Together We Can Do Extraordinary Things and Making a Difference Begins with You!

Your Gift to JCNCF Helps Sustain Jewish Life Globally
Last year’s Annual Campaign raised over $41,000 that went to The Jewish Federations of North America, which distributes funds through the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) and the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI).
Your gift to the Annual Campaign supports our brothers and sisters in Israel and wherever there are Jews in need around the world. Your dollars have helped Ukrainians, who are trapped in a war, to receive regular visits to ensure they are safe and have food and fuel for heating. The Annual Campaign also provides resources for Jewish families leaving Europe or other areas where they fear anti-Semitic violence and discrimination.
$10,000 was sent to the Jaffa Institute, which has numerous programs to help the poor in Jaffa-Tel Aviv, ranging from after school programs for at-risk kids (photo below) to supplying food packages for Holocaust survivors.
$20,000 went to the Beit Ruth Educational and Therapeutic Village, supportive home and innovative community for abused and neglected girls and young women in Afula, Israel.
In previous years fund were raised for the Lone Soldier Program, and JCNCF sent care packages to Lone Soldiers - young men and women who made Aliyah to Israel to serve in the Israel Defense Forces. Hundreds of handmade cards and notes lovingly created by grateful community members were also sent.

Local Grants
Nearly $12,000 in local grants allowed area congregations and organizations to supplement their educational and social program offerings. A sampling of grant-funded offerings this past year:
Planting Seeds for Our Community's Future!
Your Gift to JCNCF Helps Sustain Jewish Life Locally
These JCNCF Programs were made possible by generous gifts to the Annual Campaign:
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JCNCF’s wonderful signature programs and community-wide events are made possible through donations from you! Your gift to JCNCF is an investment in our Jewish Community!
To all of our donors, THANK YOU for your generosity and your support. Every dollar JCNCF raises is critical to the continued growth and health of our Jewish community. Together, we create the foundation for our children and their Jewish futures.